

May 20th – 10 AM – 1 PM at Colgan High School for the Arts in Manassas, VA

Additional auditions by appointment as requested.

There are no adult male singing roles, however, we are interested in hearing from children who sing soprano or alto to be fairies.

Ladies: Singer/Actors: Please be prepared to sing a selection in English in addition to your regular repertoire, and perform a Classical/Shakespearean monologue of 60 to 90 seconds.

Ladies: Actors only, please prepare a Classical/Shakespearean monologue and a monologue of your choice, duration of no more than 180 seconds, total.

Gentlemen: Please prepare a Classical/Shakespearean monologue and a monologue of your choice, duration of no more than 180 seconds total.

For consideration, please send a cover letter with role(s) of interest, resume, headshot, request for audition time, and confirmation of availability for rehearsal and performance period to:

Performances with Orchestra, at Colgan HS for the Arts, Manassas, VA
1-3, 9, 10 September 2017

Rehearsals from July 25th, Tech week August 25th-31st.

A picnic and concert to honor the legacy of our friend, James Galloway

5:00 pm -  at St. Thomas Episcopal Church - McLean, VA


7:00 pm -  at St. Thomas Episcopal Church - McLean, VA
7:00 pm -  at St. Thomas Episcopal Church - McLean, VA
4:00 pm -  at St. Thomas Episcopal Church - McLean, VA
4:00 pm -  at Grace the Plains Episcopal Church - The Plains, VA
5:00 pm -  at Grace the Plains Episcopal Church - The Plains, VA